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Anthony Iton - MD, JD, MPH,
is Senior Vice President for Programs & Partnerships at The California Endowment, a private, statewide health foundation whose mission is to expand access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities, and to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians.
The Programs & Partnerships Department is responsible for the development and execution of The California Endowment’s strategic plan, with input and guidance from the Board of Directors and Executive Team, to help achieve racial equity in health in California. They achieve this through team-based learning, visioning, strategic planning, and strategic grant making.

McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, B.S. Neurophysiology, 1985 honors
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, M.D.
Baltimore, MD
Cornell Medical Center/New York Hospital
Yale Health System/Greenwich Hospital,
Chief Resident
University of California, Berkeley
Boalt Hall School of Law, JD.
Internal Medicine
Preventive Medicine
California Department of Health Services
Public Health
University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health, MPH
Health Policy and Public Health
November 2009 - Present
Senior Vice President for Programs & Partnerships The California Endowment
March 2006 - November 2009
Director & Health Officer, Alameda County Public Health Department, California
June 2003 -November 2009
Health Officer, Alameda County Public Health Department, California
January 2000 - June 2003
Director of Health & Social Services, School Medical Advisor, City of Stamford Connecticut
December 1993 - November 1994
Staff Attorney & Health Policy Analyst, Consumers Union, Publisher of Consumer Reports Magazine, West Coast Regional Office
March 2000 - June 2003
Physician, Internal Medicine Staff, Stamford Hospital HIV Clinic, Stamford, CT
June 1991 - September 1996
Primary Care Physician, San Francisco Department of Public Health
Connecticut, 2000. McCarthy TA, Hadler JL, Julian K, Walsh SJ, Biggerstaff BJ, Hinten SR, Baisley C, Iton A. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2001 Dec;951:307-16.
Serosurveys for West Nile Virus Infection
New York and Connecticut Counties, 2000. MMWR January 26, 2001/ Vol. 50/No. 3.
A phylogenetic approach to following West Nile virus in Connecticut
Anderson JF, Vossbrinck CR, Andreadis TG, Iton AB. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Nov 6;98(23):12885-9. Epub 2001 Oct 23.
Anderson JF, Vossbrinck CR, Andreadis TG, Iton AB Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2001 Dec;951:328-31.
Influenza Vaccination: A Collaborative Effort to Improve the Health of the Community
Parry MF, Grant B, Iton A, Parry PD, Baranowsky D. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2004;25:929-932
A Model Curriculum For Public Health Bioterrorism Education
Dembek Z, Iton A, Hansen H. Public Health Rep. 2005 Jan-Feb;120(1):11-8.
Fatal Clostridium sordellii toxic shock syndrome following medical abortions
Fischer M, Bhatnagar J, Guarner J, Reagan S, Hacker JK, Van Meter SH, Poukens V, Whiteman DB, Iton A, Cheung M, Dassey DE, Shieh WJ, Zaki SR. N Engl J Med. 2005 Dec 1;353(22):2352-60.(Awarded the James H. Nakano citation from CDC-NCID for an outstanding scientific paper published in 2005).
Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Children and Teens
Iton A, Oliver MM, Torgensen K. J Law Med Ethics. 2005 Winter;33(4 Suppl):38-9.
Rationing Influenza Vaccine: Legal Strategies and Considerations for Local Health Officials
Iton A. J Public Health Management Practice 2006, 12(4), 349-355.
Osler’s Advice to “Shun Politics” is Outdated
Swift MB, Altman D, Allison G, Iton A, Kears D, Rose T, Harken AH. Surgery 2006 Apr;139(4):466-8.
Tackling the Root Causes of Health Disparities Through Community Capacity Building
Chapter in Tackling Health Inequities Through Public Health Practice: A Handbook for Action, Chapter 7. pages 115-136. National Association of County and City Health Officials. 2006.
Life and Death From Unnatural Causes: Health and Social Inequity in Alameda County
Alameda County Public Health Department. March 2008.
Iton A. J Public Health Management Practice 2008, 14(4), 335-339.
A Time of Opportunity: Local Solutions to Reduce Inequities in Health and Safety
Cohen L, Iton A, Davis RA, Rodriguez S. IOM Roundtable on Health Disparities. May 2009.
The Challenge of Local Public Health Practice in Eliminating Health Disparities: Using GIS As a Toll To Illustrate Health Inequity
The Opportunity Agenda May 2009.
Closing the Loop: Why We Need to Invest—and Reinvest—in Prevention
Institute of Medicine Discussion paper. September 2014.
An Example of Effecting Change through Community, Movement-Building, and Scaling Up
Institute of Medicine Perspective. Iton A. December 2014.
California Medical License
California Medical Bar, Inactive
CDC Division of Community Health Training/ICF International Keynote August 2013
California Medical Association Foundation Keynote September 2013
Oregon Primary Care Association Keynote September 2013
The Colorado Trust Health Inequities Conference Keynote Address November 2013
Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Population Health Improvement December 2013
UCSF School Of Nursing Keynote Lecture January 2014
California State Assembly Prevention Hearing
Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute Keynote March 2014
CMMI Health Innovations Award Conference Keynote March 2014
New Mexico Public Health Association Annual Meeting Keynote April 2014
UC Berkeley School of Public Health Commencement Address May 2014
Colorado Health Symposium July 2014
Department of Justice COPS Office Keynote August 2014
San Jose State Public Health Commencement Address August 2014
Hawaii Primary Care Assoc./ Watada Lecture Keynote October 2014
University of South Florida Health Disparities Keynote January 2015
Johns Hopkins SPH Symposium on the SDOH April 20, 2015